This website is simply a placeholder for a soon-to-be-released music discovery application that will provide a fun and fast-paced way of discovering new music while also allowing you to stream, socialize, and share your new discoveries.

There is still lots to be done! We are shooting for Q1 2023 for the beta to be released to the public. The plan is to have the following completed:

  • Full Fledged Song Recommendation Engine
  • Discovery Currency (Earn prizes for discovering new music)
  • User Profile Capabilities
  • User Sharing & Messaging
  • Full Song Streaming
  • Dark Mode!!

That is totally fine! Please reach out to us at [email protected].

We are currently creating the application in React Native which allows for easy deployment of the app to iOS AND Android. However, We will be starting off by releasing the iOS version first, and subsequently release the Android version at a later point.

Yes. You will be required to have a Spotify premium account at the early stages of the app's life. This is due in part on the legality of music streaming. After the launch, we are planning on having talks with major music distribution companies in order to provide full length music directly from our app without Spotify.